Molteni Vernici reopens its doors after the summer break, starting a new and incredible working year full of innovative projects...

published date: 
September 8, 2014
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Molteni Vernici reopens its doors after the summer break, starting a new and incredible working year full of innovative projects, revolutionary ideas and a unique design, always planned with the indelible Made-in-Italy- mark but that never ceases to be rediscovered as excellent to the careful and competent eyes of the greatest architects, designers and planners known internationally for their incredible work of creation and style.

The warhorse of Molteni Vernici are the new and surprising finishings, which are able to reproduce in a few moments the tactile, visual and aesthetic characteristics of all those natural materials that otherwise would not be able to find an employment in the field of architecture, design and contract. Once again Molteni Vernici will not miss the commitment that has taken for years: to export the excellence of the Made in Italy outside the borders of the Bel Paese.

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