Molteni Vernici takes part at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2014 with all its majesty and creativity. Above all, Molteni Vernici is there...

published date: 
April 9, 2014
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Eurocucina 2014

Molteni Vernici takes part at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2014 with all its majesty and creativity.

Above all, Molteni Vernici is there with Ernestomeda at Eurocucina 2014, which chooses the finishings created exclusively by CRS Molteni Vernici for his kitchens, contributing to the creation of the "SOUL" Collection conceived and designed by the architect Giuseppe Bavuso.

After years of research and testing carried out in the field of nanotechnology, a series of paints has been obtained. Those paintable products give to the treated elements’ surface characteristics much more performing than the base materials before the treatment, acting on the miniaturization of ceramic particles (nano particles) in a sterile and amorphous environment.

Thanks to the NANOCERAMIC NTE finishing developed with Molteni Vernici, the surface treatment shows exceptional mechanical properties of resistance to abrasion.

This exclusive and innovative procedure provides numerous advantages: it protects surfaces making them highly resistant to humidity, salt corrosion, thermal shock, chemicals, food, hot and cold liquids, household cleaning products, artificial irradiation and aging. These exclusive paints are also equipped with Antibacterial, a nanotechnological antibacterial protection that makes the treated surfaces resistant over time to bacteria and microorganisms, thanks to an ion exchange mechanism that comes out from the nanoceramic layer of paint.

Molteni Vernici thanks Ernestomeda for the extraordinary collaboration on the occasion of Eurocucina 2014.

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