The new showroom Molteni Vernici opens up in London, in the eclectical heart of the European Design.

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As a new proposal of 2020 Molteni Vernici renews its historical purpose to astonish and surprise; and the Brand does not disappoint the international expectations by celebrating an incredible success just at the beginning of the new year, by bringing once again its own name on everyone’s mouth.

As a matter of fact, the Direction and the whole team Molteni Vernici are proud to communicate the opening of a new European Showroom in one of the most important capitals in terms of Beauty, Design and Style: London.

Thanks to the collaboration with Matter Of Stuff, the Brand Molteni Vernici, synonymous of Design and Technological Innovation, presents itself to a city which represents one of the most important commercial and cultural crossroads at a worldwide level.

A Made in Italy promotional window, a springboard for a new name representing all the quality of the Italian production and which it could not wait for a possibility to show its creativity and potentiality towards the whole planet.

It’s just in this way that Molteni Vernici begins the new year 2020: by toasting to the renewed strenght belonging to the Style Centre, and which will be the lighthouse for a proposal pushing of the entire Company towards the creation of brand-new finishings. Finishings able to astonish also the international markets.

By working with the consciousness of having all the necessary features to face all the future trends’ tests throughout a more and more crowding commercial crossroad, the strenghtness of a united team doubles itself and conquers a new creative place for all those Architects, Designers and International Professionals who believe in the real and pure innovation and who, like Molteni Vernici, follow the road of the “Eco-friendly and Quality Beauty”.

Molteni Vernici London Showroom
MADE IN ITALY Style and Elegance in London

These are the new proposals for this 2020, which have been presented together with all the range of finishings and colorations created by Molteni Vernici in the new Showroom in London handled by Matter of Stuff, the London-based gallery of research on modern Design, with the only one objective of collaborating with Architects, Managers and Designers towards the realisation of specific and tailor-made projects by following the main indications of the client. An Italian crafts realisation, synonymous of quality and attention towards all the different materials, where creativity reigns solo.


35 – 41 Folgate Street
EI6BX London UK
Phone 1. (+44) 077 12 68 02 21
Phone 2. (+44) 0744 68 58 423

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