"Sustainability today is the key to tomorrow's competitiveness".
A concept that is anything but abstract, with its feet firmly in the market, made up above all of young people who impose on us a sustainable perspective that goes beyond the product as such: part of objects' design and durability runs along the search for recyclables materials and production process, to the point of resulting in social sustainability.

The goal is to overturn an approach, a thought that makes every object something to get rid of easily.
Our supply chain, as many researches already testify, is a European leader precisely in sustainability and recycling.
By the end of the year, Federlegno Arredo plans to publish a manifesto in which it establishes the new guidelines that must be implemented by companies from a greener perspective.
Precisely for this reason VANITY FAIR has decided to reward the special "WAKEUP" furniture finish produced and distributed by MOLTENI VERNICI, made up of raw materials generated from coffee waste.