Presented in worldwide premiere the new catalogue Rusty Effect, a fresh, modern and innovative catalogue, which tells the history...

published date: 
November 7, 2016
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Presented through a worldwide premiere the new catalogue Rusty Effect, a fresh, modern and innovative catalogue, which tells the history of a real architectural trend, created and developed in an unique and exclusive way from the CRS Molteni Vernici and addressed in a particular way to all Brands who want to reply the effect of the real rust on every kind of support made on metal, plastic and wood (through the employment of specific primers of adhesion).

Rusty Effect, the revolution of shapes, thoughts and colors.

A new way of making design, by rediscovering once again in a modern way all trends and fashion of that vintage and retro taste that only the past and the tradition of the real style Made in Italy can remember.

A new architectural and stylistic style which transforms the defect into the detail, that detail that is able to make the difference.

By using other terms, a unique and unrepeatable style, part of the most modern trend, which transforms the result of several years of attempt into a new ultra-modern way of conceiving design: the effect of the rust as a must of the new fashion trends.

Fields like architecture, interior design, contract, retail, shop fitting and home design, as well as the world of accessories, small objects and fashion industry rediscover their own soul by starting from the purest roots.

Products created from hybrid resins of new generation, the special finishings of the series Rusty Effect have been studied in exclusive as one-coat products, just to be applied in low times and with contained costs on every kind of support.

The new finishings Rusty Effect are able to faithfully reproduce the iron's typical oxidation both from the tactile and the visual point of view.

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